First and Corresponding Author

  1. Choi, H., Lee, J., Yi, Y., Na, H., Kang, K., & Kim, T. (2022). Deep vision-based occupancy counting: Experimental performance evaluation and implementation of ventilation control. Building and Environment, 109496., link
  2. Choi, H., Jeong, B., Lee, J., Na, H., Kang, K., & Kim, T. (2022). Deep-vision-based metabolic rate and clothing insulation estimation for occupant-centric control. Building and Environment, 221, 109345., link
  3. Ahn, Y., & Choi, H. (2022). Development of a Real-time Safest Evacuation Route using Internet of Things and Reinforcement Learning in Case of Fire in a Building. Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, 37(2), 97-105., link
  4. Choi, H., Um, C. Y., Kang, K., Kim, H., & Kim, T. (2021). Application of vision-based occupancy counting method using deep learning and performance analysis. Energy and Buildings, 252, 111389., link
  5. Choi, H., Um, C. Y., Kang, K., Kim, H., & Kim, T. (2021). Review of vision-based occupant information sensing systems for occupant-centric control. Building and Environment, 203, 108064., link
  6. Choi, H., Na, H., Kim, T., & Kim, T. (2021). Vision-based estimation of clothing insulation for building control: A case study of residential buildings. Building and Environment, 202, 108036., link
  7. 최하늘, 장닝, 김동현, & 김태연. (2020). CFD를 이용한 소형 공동주택 내 톨루엔 흡착자재 시공 위치에 따른 성능 평가. KIEAE Journal, 20, 151-158., link
  8. Choi, H., Na, H., Jia, R., Kim, H., Kim, N., & Kim, T. (2020). Evaluating natural ventilation performance of the circular ventilation window using cfd simulation. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 36(10), 105-116., link
  9. Choi, H., Lee, J., Jia, R., Kim, D., Na, H., & Kim, T. (2020). Development of supply ventilation strategy to reduce pm2.5 in school classrooms. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 36(9), 119-129., link
  10. Choi, H., An, Y., Kang, K., Yoon, S., & Kim, T. (2019). Cooling energy performance and thermal characteristics of a naturally ventilated slim double-skin window. Applied Thermal Engineering, 160, 114113., link
  11. Choi, H., Kim, H., & Kim, T. (2019). Long-term simulation for predicting indoor air pollutant concentration considering pollutant distribution based on concept of CRPS index. Building Simulation, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1131-1140., link
  12. Choi, H., Kim, H., & Kim, T. (2017). Health risk assessment by CRPS and the numerical model for toluene in residential buildings. KIEAE Journal, 17(5), 33-41., link


  1. Na, H., Choi, H., Kim, H., & Kim, T. (2023). Optimizing indoor air quality and noise levels in old school classrooms with air purifiers and HRV: A CONTAM simulation study. Journal of Building Engineering, 106645., link
  2. Ahn, Y., Choi, H., & Kim, B. S. (2023). Development of early fire detection model for buildings using computer vision-based CCTV. Journal of Building Engineering, 65, 105647., link
  3. An, Y., Choi, H., Kim, E., Kang, K., Kim, S., & Kim, T. (2022). Empirical analysis of the effects of window remodeling using the slim double-skin window on the thermal properties of old buildings. Energy and Buildings, 277, 112581., link
  4. Um, C. Y., Zhang, N., Kang, K., Na, H., Choi, H., & Kim, T. (2022). Occupant behavior and indoor particulate concentrations in daycare centers. Science of The Total Environment, 824, 153206., link
  5. An, Y., Choi, H., Kim, E., & Kim, T. (2022). Experimental analysis of seasonal temperature characteristics and cooling and heating energy consumption of a slim double-skin window. Energy and Buildings, 256, 111681., link
  6. Park, J., Choi, H., Kim, D., & Kim, T. (2021). Development of novel PMV-based HVAC control strategies using a mean radiant temperature prediction model by machine learning in Kuwaiti climate. Building and Environment, 206, 108357., link
  7. Na, H., Choi, H., & Kim, T. (2020). Metabolic rate estimation method using image deep learning. Building Simulation, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1077-1093., link
  8. Lee, K., Choi, H., Kim, H., Kim, D. D., & Kim, T. (2020). Assessment of a real-time prediction method for high clothing thermal insulation using a thermoregulation model and an infrared camera. Atmosphere, 11(1), 106., link
  9. Lee, K., Choi, H., Choi, J. H., & Kim, T. (2019). Development of a data-driven predictive model of clothing thermal insulation estimation by using advanced computational approaches. Sustainability, 11(20), 5702., link


  1. Na, H., Choi, H., Lee, Y., Kim, T. (2022). Analysis of the Effect of Droplet Diffusion (COVID-19 Surrogate) According to the Use of Portable Air Purifier Under Cooling Conditions in Summer., PLEA 2022, Santiago, Chile
  2. Kim, J. J., Choi, H., Jeong, B., & Kim, T. (2021). Comparison of the performance of several data-driven prediction models using small-sized thermal comfort datasets. International Conference on Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment (KIEAE), Seoul, Republic of Korea
  3. Um, C. Y., Choi, H., & Kim, T. (2020). A Reveiw of Integrated Automatic Shading and Lighting Control Strategies. International Conference on Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment (KIEAE), Seoul, Republic of Korea
  4. Choi, H., Kang, K., An, Y., Kim, E., Lee, Y., & Kim, T. (2019). Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Slim Double Skin Façade using CFD Simulation. 16th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2019), Rome, Italy
  5. Park, H., Choi, H., Kang, K. M., Kim, H. K., & Kim, T. (2019). An effective ventilation system for preventing indoor PM2.5 dispersion. 10th International Conference on IAQVEC, Bari, Italy
  6. Kang, K., Kim, T., Chol, H., An, Y., & Kim, E. (2019). Cooling load reduction effect in slim double skin facade (SDSF). Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019, Tokyo, Japan
  7. Choi, H., Kim, D., & Kim, T. (2018). CFD analysis of the optimal installation location of adsorption material in two ventilation conditions in residential buildings: natural convection and mechanical ventilation. 39th AIVC Conference, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France


  1. 재실인원의 변경을 반영하는 환기 제어시스템 및 환기 제어방법. (2022). Patent Application, No. 10-2022-0085456, Republic of Korea
  2. 실내 미세먼지 저감을 위한 공조장치 환기제어 시스템 및 방법. (2021). Patent Application, No. 10-2021-0109165, Republic of Korea
  3. 딥러닝 기반 재실자 맞춤형 대사량 검출 방법 및 시스템. (2021). Patent Application, No. 10-2021-0114528, Republic of Korea
  4. 실시간 착의량 및 무작위대입법을 이용한 공조 제어시스템 및 공조 제어방법. (2021). Patent Application, No. 10-2021-0118082, Republic of Korea
  5. Python GUI(파이썬 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스) 도면 적용 시 직선에 따른 점 좌표 생성 알고리즘. (2022). Software, No. C-2022-009959, Republic of Korea
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  2. 우수대학원생 평가 최우수상. (2021). BK21 교육연구단
  3. 재난안전 논문공모전 최우수상(행정안전부장관상). (2021). 행정안전부
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  5. 대한건축학회상 논문상. (2021). 대한건축학회
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